UPDATED: Consumer Reports Weighs In On iPhone 6 Plus Bending


iPhone 6 Plus bending (#bendgate) has exploded across the internet from tech blogs to main stream media. We even had an iPhone 6 Plus bend test show up on YouTube. Now Consumer Reports has weighed in on the matter and offered their own “scientific” bend test and analysis. As most already know, some users (9 officially) have been complaining that iPhone 6 Plus devices are bending just from the pressure in their front pockets.

First take a look at the first YouTube iPhone 6 Plus bend test from Unbox Therapy followed by Consumer Reports’ own bend test.

UPDATE: Bloomberg published a video with both Consumer Reports and Unbox Therapy explaining their testing and giving their opinions, check it out below!


Consumer Reports tested a variety of phones and noted that the iPhone 6 (not Plus) tied with the HTC One M8 at 70 lbs. of force to bend. The iPhone 6 Plus took 90 lbs. of force to bend while the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 took 150 lbs. of force to bend. Ninety lbs. of force to bend is pretty substantial, and it’s clear that the Samsung is much stronger and would last in a #bendoff much longer. The point Consumer Reports is trying to make is that it takes a great amount of pressure to bend any of these new smartphones and we should all probably rest easy. But, of course, the debate will likely rage on between the fanboys on both sides eager to defend or dismantle their respective choices. I’m sure Consumer Reports’ test will be picked apart thoroughly. What did you think of Consumer Reports’ findings? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Facebook and Twitter. I also encourage you to go over to their website to read their full write-up on their testing.

[button link=”http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/news/2014/09/consumer-reports-tests-iphone-6-bendgate/index.htm” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Consumer Reports[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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