Full DC Comics Movie List Revealed – Includes Wonder Woman And Justice League 2

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During a shareholder meeting early Wednesday, Warner Bros dropped a bombshell of a list which detailed their entire upcoming film release schedule for their stable of DC Comics superheroes. Along with the obvious Batman vs Superman and The Justice League movies, it was also revealed that Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Shazam, Cyborg, The Green Lantern, and the Suicide Squad will all get their own feature length films, as well as a second Justice League movie in 2019 also directed by Zach Snyder.

The list was originally reported on Twitter by Ben Fritz of The Wallstreet Journal, and officially disclosed in a press release with the following timeline:

  • “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” directed by Zack Snyder (2016)
  • “Suicide Squad,” directed by David Ayer (2016)
  • “Wonder Woman,” starring Gal Gadot (2017)
  • “Justice League Part One,” directed by Zack Snyder, with Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill and Amy Adams reprising their roles (2017)
  • “The Flash,” starring Ezra Miller (2018)
  • “Aquaman,” starring Jason Momoa (2018)
  • “Shazam” (2019)
  • “Justice League Part Two,” directed by Zack Snyder (2019)
  • “Cyborg,” starring Ray Fisher (2020)
  • “Green Lantern” (2020)

Warner Bros is really hitching their wagon on the Zach Snyder train, putting all of their biggest names in the hands of the guy that directed Sucker Punch. Of course all of Snyder’s films have their own charm to them for his fans, but it’s not guarantee that he’ll produce a series of winners. He showed with his first foray into DC films with Man of Steel that he is not interested in telling the characters established stories, but instead remaking them in with his own vision. While Man of Steel was hit or miss depending on who you talk to you, there’s no doubt that he ticked off some long time Superman fans by completely re-writing the last son of Krypton from being the mild-manner reporter Clark Kent into the brooding city-destroying alien weirdo we saw

By giving him control over Batman vs Superman and Justice League Parts 1 & 2, Warner Bros is essentially putting the entire fate of their cinematic universe in his control. If those movies are the worst of Zach Snyder and are a laughing stock, DC’s credibility for all the following movies is going to be in serious jeopardy. Considering they are chasing the already established and beloved Marvel cinematic universe, they don’t have much wiggle room when it comes to flops. They need to come out swinging with big movies that people fall in love with, and hope that “super hero movie fatigue” doesn’t set in, or it’s going to be a rough decade.

At this point, DC fans should be used to universe reboots as the comic book equivalent universe gets rebooted every 10 years or so, and this cinematic universe is sure to be a whole new one than they’ve come to know. It should be at least comforting to know that there is finally a starting point for the DC cinematic universe that fans can cling to and put the Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern behind them once and for all.

[button type=”link” link=”http://www.slashfilm.com/dc-movie-slate-revealed/” variation=”btn-danger” target=”blank”]Source: Slashfilm[/button]
*Featured image courtesy of Fans Share

Last Updated on November 28, 2018.


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