Apple has finally released a method for ex-iPhone users to retrieve their captive iMessages from Apple’s grasp. Deregister iMessage will allow current iPhone users who plan on moving over to Android, Windows or Blackberry to turn off iMessage so when they move their number to a new phone new SMS messages will come from old iPhone user friends. If you no longer have your iPhone and wish to release the hold you simply need to enter your phone number in the form and type the confirmation number Apple sends you. That’s it, your done, you can finally receive those messages from your iPhone toting friends.
Apple caught a lot of flack for not allowing iPhone iMessages to be delivered to non Apple phones, an experience I myself went through. It took them a long while to come up with a fix and it probably should have been done a lot sooner but this is welcome by many former iPhone users who can finally text with their iPhone friends. Yes, believe it or not, you can be friends when you each use a different mobile operating system. What do you think of Apple’s Deregister iMessage? Are you a former iPhone user who’s relieved that this is finally here? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.
Source: Fortune Apple Deregister iMessage
Last Updated on November 27, 2018.