
There’s A .GIF For That! Hulu Rolls Out New TV-Themed GIF Search


The animated GIF is truly a remarkable means of communication. How else would one quickly and easily explain their feelings if not by a brief clip of those feelings in animated form? Words? Words are so 20th Century. Pretty soon, the only people using words will be your grandma and Civil War reenactors. GIFs and emojis will be the preferred method of communication in the future, and the future will be bright.


I really hope that I’m kidding about all of that, I’d imagine that would be pretty horrible. But animated GIFs are here to stay, and now there’s a new way to get official TV-themed GIFs.  Hulu has started a search engine on Tumblr where anybody can search for and share animated GIFs from Hulu’s library of shows.

You can search for these bandwidth-clogging gems by show, by action, or several other categories including LOL, OMG, FAIL, and SWAG.



Once you’ve chosen the appropriate category and searched for the greatest representation of your feelings that can be found on Hulu’s selection of television – including shows from networks like Fox, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, ABC, NBC, MTV, and all sorts of other TLA’s – you have a few options. You can share on Tumblr, Tweet your GIF, Pin it on Pinterest, even e-mail or download the GIF – though completing any of these acts will assume that you agree to Hulu’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (lawful, non-commercial, appropriate purposes, etc.).

One thing you’ll probably notice with all of the GIFs available on this Tumblr page – branding. Hulu isn’t providing these GIFs out of the kindness of their hearts – at least not completely. Each GIF is branded with #hulu as well as the name of the show, and in some instances the icon of the network that airs said show. They want to make sure that you know each of these quality GIFs came from Hulu and their partner networks, and if you’d like to watch the show from which the GIFs were born, they’d be happy to allow you to do so.


So what do you think about Hulu’s foray into the world of animated GIFs? Do the branded TV GIFs appeal to you? Or are there enough other options available to create your own GIFs that render this new search unnecessary? Let us know in the comments or on Google+, Facebook, or Twitter.

[button link=”http://huluperfectgif.tumblr.com/” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: HuluPerfectGif on Tumblr[/button][button link=”http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2480473,00.asp” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Via: PC Mag[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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