Get Your Game On With The 3D Realms Anthology

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Let’s face it, sometimes nothing beats sitting down and playing a good old classic game. Publisher 3D Realms has just released a 32-game mega collection of classic Apogee & 3D Realms games on Steam. Yes, 32 games which range from Monster Bash and Blake Stone to everyone’s favourite Duke Nukem.

The full list appears below and includes more than a few that I’m looking forward to revisiting:

Alien Carnage / Halloween Harry
Arctic Adventure
Balls of Steel
Bio Menace
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
Blake Stone: Planet Strike
Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure
Crystal Caves
Dark Ages
Death Rally
Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem 2
Duke Nukem 3D
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
Hocus Pocus
Major Stryker
Math Rescue
Monster Bash
Monuments of Mars
Mystic Towers
Pharaoh’s Tomb
Raptor: Call of the Shadows
Realms of Chaos
Rise of the Triad: Dark War
Secret Agent
Shadow Warrior (Classic)
Terminal Velocity
Wacky Wheels
Word Rescue

Over the next little bit we’ll be working our way through the list to see what and how they stand up to the test of time! In the meantime you can pick up the collection for 25% off until May 12th on Steam.

Let us know if you’re planning on picking up this collection and what game you’re looking forward to playing the most.

[button type=”link” link=”” variation=”btn-danger” target=”blank”]Purchase 3D Realms Anthology on Steam[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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