Explore Social Anxiety With Sym, The Puzzle-Platformer From ATRAX Games

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While most games are meant for sitting back and relaxing or blowing off steam, some games go much deeper than that and offer up social commentary or a glimpse into a world many of us don’t understand. The latest from ATRAX Games is a puzzle-platformer that is inspired by social anxiety disorder.

In the game, you’ll play as Josh and must travel through mazes of two contrasting worlds as he tries to deal with a crippling form of social anxiety. Caleb and Ammiel are Josh’s alter egos, Caleb wants to overcome his fears and lives in the white world while Ammiel represents Josh’s inner self and wants to be alone and feels safe by avoiding human contact. Through Caleb and Ammiel, you’ll travel between white and black worlds by manipulating tiles which behave as logic gates.

Features of Sym include:

• A platforming exploration of social anxiety disorder and its emotional effects.
• Provocative subject and unique mechanics offer a unique gaming experience.
• Switch between two worlds, black and white, to overcome obstacles and find the exit.
• Over 40 levels of puzzles, mazes, and personal introspection.
• Create and share new levels easily with the level editor.
• Shared World allows players to connect the doorways in their creations to the levels build by others.
• Playable demo available on Steam.

I can only imagine what it must feel like to suffer from a social anxiety disorder, but the Sym launch trailer looks like it gives us a pretty good glimpse into the mind of someone who does.

Sym is available on Steam and is currently 25% off until May 14.

[button type=”link” link=”http://store.steampowered.com/app/342100/” variation=”btn-danger” target=”blank”]Get Sym on Steam[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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