Mobile Friendly Sites Will Now Rank Higher On Bing


Google recently rolled out a new method of ranking websites based on how mobile friendly they are. Basically any site that has a “responsive” design will be given a better score than those who do not. Responsive design (mobile friendly) websites can detect what kind of device a user is accessing it from and adjust to that device giving the reader a better experience. Techaeris and MOARGeek are both designed this way and have been for some time now. Now Microsoft’s Bing search engine is joining Google in favoring websites with a responsive design although they do say it doesn’t necessarily mean they will get top billing.

The changes don’t mean mobile-optimized sites will necessarily appear at the top of results. “You can always expect to see the most relevant results for a search query ranked higher, even if some of them are not mobile friendly,” Microsoft said.

The move to push mobile friendly design on the part of Google and Bing is much needed, it’s that little nudge that will get some content providers to make their sites better suited to a variety of devices. It used to be most browsing was done on a laptop or desktop. Now there are tablets, smartphones, small laptops a large variety of screen sizes that don’t always translate websites into something palatable. Switching to a responsive design is good for both users and website and content creators overall.

What do you think of Google and Bing’s new rankings? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: PC World[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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