Samsung Galaxy S6 Models Will See A Price Cut For Sales Boost

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If you’ve been waiting to buy a smartphone and have been looking at the Samsung Galaxy S6 models, you may just be in luck. Samsung is cutting the price of the Galaxy S6 lineup to try and bolster slumping sales of their mobile devices. Samsung overestimated the amount of Galaxy S6 phones they would sell and ended up not making expected profits. No word on how much of a price cut the S6 lineup will see, Samsung only said they were going to be “flexible” on the prices.

Many people were surprised at the lackluster sales of the Galaxy S6 lineup, given that it’s a brand new design and out of the box for Samsung. The redesign was done to try and pull more iPhone users to their court as the new S6 lineup is much more premium feeling and looking than its predecessors. But Samsung overplayed their cards and consumers just might catch the lucky break with upcoming price cuts.

Samsung’s new device is set to be announced August 13th at Unpacked 2015 and most are expecting the Galaxy Note 5 to be introduced. Like the S6 lineup, the Note 5 is likely to have a radical new design and possibly dual curved edges but we’ll know more when it’s introduced.

What do you think of Samsung’s woes? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Fortune[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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