ISIS Hacker Killed By US Military Drone In Syria


United States and British officials have targeted and killed ISIS hacker Junaid Hussain. Hussain was a British citizen in his early 20’s and is believed to have been ISIS’s “secret weapon” in their digital arsenal. One witness claims Hussain had hacked into dozens of US systems exploiting the data and information within. He also helped hone the surveillance capabilities of ISIS and built methods of hacking further into US systems. Hussain was killed while in a car in Raqqa, Syria by a drone strike, no further information on the strike was given.

Hussain is the new soldier in this modern warfare landscape that is unfurling before our eyes. With technology increasingly becoming a daily part of the world life, it has also become a way to exploit and attack the enemy. In some ways, soldiers like Hussain are more dangerous than those with the guns. With the ability to attack from afar and not in the way of bodily harm, these soldiers could create havoc with financial systems, government databases and corrupt a number of essential services many in the world depend on.

courtesy Wall Street Journal

While US and British officials were able to locate and terminate Hussain, the digital battlefront is a much harder landscape to cover. Hackers can cause all sorts of chaos before you physically reach them for termination. This makes digital warfare a much more complex form of battle and it’s imperative that governments and companies alike bolster information security. With the amount of hacks lately a revaluation of computer and information security within every company should be of paramount importance.

Digital warfare will be an ongoing issue as hackers work to circumvent security measures put in place by governments and companies. While the issue will likely never be resolved, it is an issue that needs attention now and vigilant monitoring through the future.

What do you think of the new digital warfare? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

[button link=”″ icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: WSJ[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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