One Site To Rule Them All: MOARGeek Merging Into Techaeris


Just over a year ago we started MOARGeek to write about other topics we love that didn’t really fit into our sister site Techaeris which I started over two years ago. MOARGeek has been doing its fair share of traffic, but there comes a time when running two sites becomes so much of a chore it becomes difficult to enjoy what you do. So beginning today we are starting the slow transition of merging the two sites into one complete “lifestyle” site. Many other sites across the web are writing about topics that they originally didn’t incorporate and it makes sense to reduce costs and grab viewers from as many paths as possible. It also makes sense to consolidate into one site to alleviate the work from a very small crew.

We’ve had an amazing year plus running and writing on MOARGeek, but please fear not. All of the content from MOARGeek will slowly transition over to Techaeris and all geek related content going forward will be written on Techaeris. We know we have our loyal fans who love MOARGeek, the site layout and the logo, and we didn’t come by this choice easy. Right now it’s the right thing to do for where we are, and we hope you continue to follow us .

With an entirely volunteer writing and editing crew we have to find ways to make things easier for us so we can provide more quality content to you. Overworking a volunteer crew is not a great way to get quality content and that’s what we’re shooting for. So please be patient with us as we take on the slow and painful task of transitioning from one site to the other. MOARGeek will continue to function as is, though you will see articles start to redirect to Techaeris and new articles that used to appear here on MOARGeek will be published on Techaeris going forward.

We thank you so much for your readership and loyalty and we hope you’ll continue to follow us over on Techaeris in this new journey and chapter. Happy holidays and Merry Christmas!

Alex Hernandez

CEO – Techaeris

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


One Site To Rule Them All: MOARGeek Merging Into Techaeris

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