Explore The Final Frontier With Star Trek Online On Consoles

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Perfect World Entertainment has been busy lately, first partnering with Motiga to bring Gigantic to Windows PCs and Xbox One, and now with another pretty major announcement. PWE has posted that their space exploration massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Trek Online will be coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles this fall.

Star Trek Online is well into its sixth year and showing no signs of stopping. Over our storied history we’ve seen a new faction, two level cap increases, more episodes than any 5 seasons of any Star Trek series, the creation of over 100,000 player generated missions, and celebrity voice work from every era of Star Trek. With all of those accomplishments there is still another frontier yet to explore, the console space.

For those worried that you’ll be getting a basic port, PWE has committed to making the transition from PC to consoles a smooth and natural experience, and the company proved they could do that with their console version of Neverwinter.

Our first major task was to convert a PC game that takes nearly an entire keyboard to play into a game that plays well with a 12 button controller. We focused on getting the controls right before we began work in earnest on this project, because we knew the game had to be as tactical, fun, and accessible as the PC game that preceded it. A combination of radial menus and streamlining of some HUD elements created a game that is easily understood, instantly accessible, and incredibly fun to play.

In addition to creating a new control system, PWE added modern lighting technologies to improve the visual quality of the game through the use of deferred lighting and improvements to their High Dynamic Range lighting systems — changes which will also be coming to the PC version down the road as well.


The company also decided that not only did the UI need an overhaul, but they re-wrote the entire backend — no small task I’m sure. The new streamlined UI was modified not only with playing the game with game controllers in mind, but also to ensure the best game performance possible.

If you’re unfamiliar with Star Trek Online, the MMORPG has you creating a captain whose allegiance lies with the Federation, Klingons, or Romulans. You’ll be able to choose from hundreds of ships, including familiar ones like the classic Enterprise or Klingon Bird of Prey, or other varieties which include dreadnoughts, science ships, and more. Your ship, captain, and crew will not only travel through space, but also visit hundreds of destinations including Deep Space Nine, Vulcan, Starfleet Academy, New Romulus, and more as you engage in exploration and space and ground combat. Throughout your adventures, you’ll even run across some Star Trek celebrities and famous faces from the multiple long running TV series.


While no release date has been set, the free-to-play game will launch at the same time on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 some time this fall. Are you excited to be able to play Star Trek Online on your Xbox One or PlayStation 4? Let us know in the comments below, or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/9956413″ icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Arc Games[/button]

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