Connect any headphones wirelessly with Jack, funding now on Kickstarter

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Several cell phones have removed the 3.5mm audio jack from their design and more will undoubtedly follow suit in the coming years. While Bluetooth headphones have made huge strides in quality, reliability, and sound over the last few years, some people just really love a particular set of wired headphones or earbuds. Apple includes a dongle allowing you to connect those headphones to your new iPhone, but there’s a more interesting option available from Podo Labs now on Kickstarter. Jack is an adapter that will allow you to connect any headphones to your phone wirelessly, and it also includes some interesting sharing options. The project is live on Kickstarter and has already completely crushed its funding goal, but you can still get in on some early bird pricing if you’re interested.

The Jack adapter is a small rectangular box with a clip on the back. You’ll plug your headphones into Jack, then sync Jack to your phone, tablet, computer, etc. via Bluetooth, creating a wireless experience for any headphones. You can then simply clip Jack to your shirt, belt, pocket, etc. and enjoy relatively un-tethered tunes wherever you go. The device’s internal 300mAh battery is said to give you 12 hours of tunes per charge. Maybe more interesting is the sharing option available with more than one Jack. You can quickly and easily sync two adapters together and share one source for both adapters. You can see more about what Jack has to offer in the Kickstarter video below:

As I mentioned earlier, you don’t need to worry about this project missing its funding goal, in fact, Podo Labs has completely demolished its goal. They’re currently sitting at nearly $240,000 which is well over their initial $20,000 goal with 27 days left in the campaign. Podo Labs isn’t new to Kickstarter either, successfully funding two other projects in the past, most recently the Podo Stick and Shoot camera. This most recent project seems to have a pretty solid footing so far too.

Do you have a pair of wired headphones that you just don’t want to get rid of? Does this look like a product that could help? Tell us what you think about Jack in the comment section below or on Google+, Facebook, or Twitter. You can head over to the Kickstarter page to back the campaign at the link below.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Kickstarter[/button]

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