T-Track by Totto wants to be your smart backpack with anti-theft capabilities


If you’re a student, a commuter, a frequent traveler, or just someone who needs to carry things around with them, you’ve probably got a backpack or other bag. With everything around us getting smarter, it was only a matter of time before the backpack got its turn. The T-Track smart backpack by Totto is funding on Indiegogo now, and wants to keep your personal items collected, and keep you prepared for whatever is on your schedule.

The backpack includes a number of pretty standard backpack features, including an ergonomic back, protective hard shell, water bottle compartment, luggage handle attachment, and padded laptop/tablet pocket with secure straps. It also has some slightly fancier features, such as several hidden pockets, an integrated USB charging port on one of the straps (powered by any external battery you may have), and a secure anti-theft wire lock. It’s once you get past all of that normal stuff that you see where T-Track really wants to differentiate itself.

The T-Track “Brain” gives your backpack vibrating alerts as well as GPS locating, and the Totto Tags allow you to track the items inside of your backpack in conjunction with the T-Track app. The tags attach to your items, and once synced with the app as well as the “Brain” will keep track of what you have in your bag, and notify you if you’re leaving something behind. You can also set up specific trips via the app, and the app will remind you to include any tagged items that would be necessary for that particular trip. Your morning train ride might remind you to pack your headphones, for example, or an upcoming international trip would remind you about your passport that you previously tagged.

Totto is looking to raise $25,000 USD on Indiegogo over the next month with a Flexible goal. They’re currently just over $4000 in, though we’re very early in the campaign. You can grab a T-Track via the Earliest Bird tier for only $99 USD + shipping. The Indigogo package will include the backpack, one T-Track Brain, and two smart tags. You can add on additional tags as well, with 2 for $15 or 4 for $24. Take a look at the campaign video below, and then head to the Indiegogo campaign to learn more or back the project.


What do you think about the T-Track Backpack? Tell us in the comment section below, or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/t-track-the-smart-tracking-anti-theft-backpack-design/#/” icon=”fa-shopping-cart” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Purchase on Indiegogo[/button]

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