GEIO is a Kickstarter FPS battle bot with visual recognition


Using a battle bot is a whole lot of fun and GEIO is a battle bot Kickstarter that incorporates visual recognition. The company says, GEIO is engineered to give you a superior robotic battle experience and is equipped with first-person shooter (FPS) and visual recognition systems. The power behind GEIO is attributed to it’s “groundbreaking” artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The rise in popularity of battle bots is due to the fact the combat is very realistic and exciting. Various robot designs have seen success, few which are very simple yet highly effective in battle

Robot battling can be exhilarating and the company claims that GEIO will throw you right into the action. “GEIO links between real and virtual spaces, giving you an incredibly fun out-of-body experience.”

We play games for fun. Players are given different weapons and abilities in each play mode. With auto-tracking and auto-identifying and lots more, such hands-on competency offers players comprehensive battle experience. GEIO is born to create unexpected excitement. When you are able to see from GEIO’s perspective, you can indeed indulge in the royal duel, assault and escort, scavenger hunt race.

Your GEIO will against your friend’s one in this setting; connect yours with a smartphone, the state-of-the-art tech offers you prevailing weapons to stun opponents in the critical moment. The Attacking and Defending teams must attempt to take or defend capture the territory across the battlefield. The attacker has lower HP but can run fast. The defender can’t move, only turn around, but equipped with more HP and stronger weapon.

A high-tech treasure hunt that turns any area into a fantastic race full of interaction and adventure; teams compete against each other to be the first one to locate hidden treasure totems. With superb running speed, GEIO can rotate 360-degrees and accelerate 2 meters in just one second. In this mode, the winner is the one who first reaches the destination. Well, you can also trap or stop your opponents on the way.

The GEIO battle bot is crowdfunding on Kickstarter right now with a Super Early Bird Special of $99USD.

What do you think of the GEIO bot? Is it something you think’d you’ll be backing? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

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Last Updated on January 29, 2020.


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