Buckle & Seam’s very human #onebagonechild campaign is awesome


German brand Buckle & Seam makes and sells leather bags for your tech goods. The bags all look fantastic but it’s their #onebagonechild campaign that’s the really awesome thing here. The company is celebrating one year in business and is trying to expand their humanitarian efforts. What started as a 3-person company now has 50 individuals who are working to improve the economic prospects of the Third-World countries in which they work and help protect the environment. Check out the #onebagonechild video below.

Having lived and traveled around South Asia, the founders left a part of their hearts in the region; the rich craftsmanship and aesthetic heritage will surely impress every traveler. The shocking truth is that 90% of high-end leather accessories are actually produced in a region without giving any recognition to the local masters. Relations between a brand and a manufacturer usually ends on the production phase; not every company is eager to look at the origins of the products. The Buckle & Seam team is instead proud to state that the bags are “Designed in Berlin. Produced in Pakistan. Made for you”.

The idea behind Buckle & Seam is not only to bring to the market an amazing product but fight for a better future for those, who sew, craft and put all their effort into these bags. The company has decided to acquire its own facility in Pakistan, providing safe and comfortable working conditions, similar to those workers experience in Europe.

“The craftsmanship and all efforts should be appreciated. The workers spend most of their time at the facility and it’s our responsibility to make sure that it’s safe and fair.” says Georg Wolff –Founder Buckle & Seam

Buckle & Seam also started donating 3% of its revenue to ANUM school. This was already enough to welcome more young students, hire the teachers and provide them with studying materials. Now, as the team sees the progress and happiness of the students, they want to achieve more. Buckle and Seam has a clear vision of the girls’ education project and with the success of the brand are keen to expand upon it.

“It was never about just producing bags of premium quality; we were always aiming for more. Seeing the results of our work and the desire of the girls in the school to learn, seeing their first step on the way to a better future is the best motivation for us.” – says Marco Feelisch – Founder Buckle & Seam.

This young company is only a small piece of a much larger puzzle but it’s often the small pieces that make the biggest difference. Be sure to visit the links below to learn more about #onebagonechild and to check out the company’s offerings.

What do you think of #onebagonechild? Will you be buying any of Buckle & Seam’s bags to support the cause? Tell us in the comments below, or on Google+Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”https://www.buckleandseam.com/girls-education-program/?utm_source=Vimeo_Onebagonechild&utm_campaign=Vimeo_Onebagonechild” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Buckle & Seam[/button][button link=”https://vimeo.com/240450142″ icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Vimeo[/button]

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