Mario is your new copilot on Google Maps for MAR10 Day

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Well, this is some interesting news that you may not see every day. Google has teamed up with Nintendo to bring Mario to Google Maps on Android and iOS devices. Google Canada announced the news today in a blog post, saying that Mario will appear on just about everyone’s Google Maps smartphone navigation app to celebrate Mario’s special day, MAR10 Day (March 10th if you didn’t get it!).

It’s easy to get Mario set up as your navigation arrow when you open up Google Maps. First off, the application must be up to date. If you’re already done with that step, open up the Google Maps app and start a route going anywhere. Once you see the route, there will be a yellow (or gray in my case) coin box and if you tap that, you’ll get a notification saying “Oh yeah! Mario time! Navigate your world as Mario to celebrate Mario Day on March 10th.” When you see that, choose “Let’s-A Go!” and that pretty much it. Mario will now replace the navigation arrow and be your new copilot.


While Google is stating Mario will be your buddy for this week, there is no actual end date as to when Mario will leave the application. It could just be for today and tomorrow, March 10th, or longer (here’s hoping). Either way, it’s a nice add-on that Google has given us and we’re all going to enjoy it and probably drive around random places just to see Mario drive with us.

It’s cool seeing something new on Google Maps, especially when it comes to getting a new navigation cursor like Mario. If Google did these events more often, I think people would enjoy it. What do you guys think about seeing Mario and his Kart on Google Maps? Has anyone else enabled it yet and traveled from point A to point B? Let us know by leaving your comments down below, or on Google+, Facebook, or Twitter.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Google[/button]

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