Cisco Systems could be pulling all ads from YouTube platform


Cisco Systems is apparently making a pretty huge move and statement today by pulling all ads from YouTube. Cisco Systems is one of the largest manufacturers of enterprise and consumer grade computer networking gear in the world. The company’s chief marketing officer, Karen Walker, wrote in a blog post that Cisco doesn’t want their brand to “accidentally end up in the wrong place, such as on a streaming video with sensitive content.” According to Reuters, the blog post has been removed which leaves us wondering if this move is actually happening.

Ever since the Logan Paul incidents, advertisers like Cisco Systems have pressured YouTube to make some changes in policy. YouTube has made some changes to its policies and has doled out consequences to offenders like Paul.

“We have partnered with advertisers to make significant changes to how we approach monetization on YouTube with stricter policies, better controls and greater transparency. We are committed to continuing this dialogue and getting this right,” a Google spokesperson told Reuters.

The beef from advertisers is two-fold. The first being associated with certain “sensitive” channels or videos and the seconds results in unknowingly financing the content on those channels or videos. While YouTube is making changes, it could be Cisco Systems thinks they’ll never have full control and their ads could end up anywhere.

YouTube said in a report released last month that it had deleted about 5 million videos from its platform for content policy violations in last year’s fourth quarter before any viewers saw them.

It will be interesting to see if Cisco restores that blog post or makes an official statement on the matter. Reuters asked the company for comment but they have not yet responded.

What do you think of Cisco possibly pulling all of their YouTube ads? Let us know by leaving your comments down below, or on Google+Twitter, or Facebook.

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