iPhone explodes on repair bench in smartphone repair shop

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When an iPhone explodes it tends to make the news. When an iPhone explodes on camera it tends to get a lot of attention. A smartphone repair shop in Las Vegas is getting a little attention after an iPhone exploded on a workbench and it’s all caught on camera.

Watch the news report below to see the repair person’s reaction.

The owner of another repair business told KNTV the explosion could have been caused by heat.

“The biggest issue he sees the temperatures rise into the triple digits in Las Vegas are the cracked screens from warped batteries,” KNTV reported.

“Not only can it lead to explosions in extreme cases, but it can also shorten the life of the battery —especially after the phone issues a temperature warning a few times,” the news station reported.

Exploding smartphones aren’t unusual and it’s normal for a few devices, no matter what manufacturer, to have some defective units. It’s unclear what sort of repairs the iPhone was in for or if this shop is Apple certified.

There have been many other iPhone exploding incidents as well as some involving their largest competitor, Samsung. Samsung’s Note7 woes could have gone very badly for the company but they handled the situation extremely well and turned it into a positive.

At the very least this incident did not involve the device in someone’s pocket, purse, or backpack. It’s not ideal for phones to be exploding but as we said before, every batch has its fair share of bad “apples.” See what I did there. ;-P

What do you think of this iPhone exploding incident? Just a case of a bad unit among millions? Or do you think Apple has an exploding problem? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

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