Ninja-K #8 review: Enter “The Dying One”

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Ninja-K (Valiant Comics) is the ongoing story of Colin King, a Ninja who sometimes takes jobs for MI6, sometimes does his own thing, and is sometimes a part of the supergroup known as Unity. In this particular issue, Ninjak (Oh… he’s called Ninjak but in the line of MI6 Ninja’s he’s sequential and designated K) is tasked with destroying an enemy stronghold. Along for the ride is his lover Livewire (she’s a psiot that can control anything electronic or mechanical), Doctor Mirage (she can talk to the dead), and Punk Mambo (think voodoo, and she can control a Loa). It starts out with some great action sequences and some nice dialogue in the heat of the moment between Ninjak and Livewire, which they see as pillow talk.

If you are a Valiant fan, then you have been loving how this relationship has taken shape. We get some awesome action sequences for both Doctor Mirage and Punk Mambo using their abilities and kicking butt too. Before this story arc, I would have never thought of a team up between these two but now I’m thinking a nice four issue story arc would be a pretty cool Valiant addition!

Ninja-K #8Back to the story… inside the bunker is a secret, one that is being protected by an immortal called The Dying One. I’m already intrigued by her. How can you not be intrigued by a character called The Dying One? The mystery then deepens when Ninjak comes face to face with that secret, a secret he may be “eternally” sorry he discovered.

The art in this book is by Juan José Rye, and it is as beautiful as ever. Action sequences come off as exciting and they give your mind something to animate and imagine from the panel image being displayed. The inks and color are nice too. It’s a style I see more in Valiant Comics than around other publishers but I really like it a lot.

The writing by Christos Gage is turning into something really special. I admit, I wasn’t that “in” to the first overall arc but this one has been just gold! I like the direction the story is going and I especially love that it brings Ninjak and Livewire together for a good bit of time.

So where does this fall in the Valiant Timeline as far as this summers already started Harbinger Wars 2? That’s a good question and I would have to say that it takes place before events kick off there. We already know from that event’s first issue that it will put Ninjak and Livewire on opposing sides. Hopefully, that won’t be a cut too deep to bear.

Wrap Up

NinjaK is my favorite Valiant character, in fact, this is my favorite current comic book character, so if the book starts going in the wrong direction, I will make noise. Thankfully, this book is awesome right now and it shows no signs of letting up. I’d highly encourage anyone and everyone to pick it up and check it out.


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