Infographic: How Augmented Reality has changed selfies forever


What do selfies and security have in common? A lot more than you might think. Augmented reality takes many forms; most of us are familiar with the entertainment side, but as the technology develops so too does the opportunity for bigger and better uses. Spoiler alert: selfies are moving beyond social media.

Augmented reality is changing how we see the world around us, but it’s also changing the way we see ourselves. Rolled out in 2015, Snapchat’s debut camera filters completely changed the game for selfies. The memorable “rainbow barfing” filter uses facial mapping technology to pinpoint key features, like the eyes and nose, to produce a unique overlay. The response was explosive and from there countless filters have come and gone, with many fan favorites on regular rotation. Though this technology captures our imagination and inspires creativity for official and unofficial filters alike, there’s more at stake for facial mapping.

The long-anticipated iPhone X, boasting updated technology and design reworks had another feature to offer: Face ID. Using similar tech that powers our Snapchat selfies, this detailed hardware broke away from the now old-fashioned password and PIN protection. Instead, users are able to unlock their phones with just a look; the most unique and secure password is written on our face. European consumers would take this even a step further, as more than one in three has expressed they would feel more secure using their own selfies to access their banking accounts in lieu of traditional passwords.

From entertainment to selfies to security, augmented reality is showing itself to be a big player in how technology is pushing us forward. Take a look at this infographic brought to you by Frames Direct for more on AR, its impacts, and where it could potentially take us in the future.


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