GameFly video game streaming service shutting down August 31st


If you’re not familiar with GameFly it started off as a video game rental service you used via snail mail. It’s was very much the same business model as Netflix. Then, as streaming became more popular, the company started GameFly Streaming. Now, as confirmed by Variety, the company is shutting down its streaming services. I suspected this was the case as I received an onscreen notification that streaming would no longer be available as of August 31st.

With only a brief notification to go off of, I tried to contact GameFly’s PR for more information. It took several days to get a response, I finally did, but the response was from customer service not public relations. Here’s what the company sent to us:

“Thank you for contacting GameFly. Please not that GameFly will not longer support the streaming services. You typically should have received a notification via email as well as while being singed into the application from the devices.

We apologize for any inconvenience and if we can be of further assistance, please let us know.”

-Gamefly Customer Service

Variety reports that Electronic Arts purchased GameFly’s cloud gaming tech, assets, and personnel. But EA also says they have nothing to do with the actual streaming services.

Reached for comment Wednesday, an EA spokesperson said “We acquired the team in Israel and the technology they’ve developed, we did not acquire the Gamefly streaming service. We have not been involved in any decisions around the service.”

It will be interesting to see what EA does with the purchased technology and if they plan on expanding and implementing it. For now, you have until August 31st to enjoy the service and then it will go dark.

What do you think of the company shutting down? Did you use the service? Let us know in the comments below or on GooglePlus, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Variety[/button]

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