U.S. Senators urge Canada not to use Huawei in 5G infrastructure plans


U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and Mark Warner have written a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urging Canada to “reconsider Huawei’s inclusion in any aspect of Canada’s 5G development, introduction, and maintenance.”

Posted to Scribd, the letter outlines “grave concerns” Rubio and Warner have with Canada’s plans to include Huawei or other Chinese telecommunications companies in developing the country’s 5G network infrastructure.

“As you are aware, Huawei is not a normal private-sector company,” the letter continues. “There is ample evidence to suggest that no major Chines company is independent of the Chinese government and Communist Party — and Huawei, which China’s government and military tout as a ‘national champion’ is no exception.

The letter was penned in response to recent comments by Head-Designee of the Canadian Center for Cyber Security Scott Jones. Speaking to Canada’s House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security, Jones indicated that banning Huawei as other countries have for their 5G infrastructure plans is not required. His claim is based on Canada’s  “very advanced relationship with our telecommunications providers,” among other reasons.

The Senators go on to urge Canada to reconsider and cite the fact that Australia, one of the “Five Eyes” countries alongside Canada, the U.S., the U.K., and New Zealand, has outright banned Huawei and other Chinese companies for participating in their 5G infrastructure development. The U.K. is also advising against it and, from the tone of the letter, we already know where the U.S. stands on the matter.

The letter concludes by indicating that should Canada proceed and use Huawei or other Chinese companies in their 5G infrastructure, Canada could be jeopardize “both Canadian and American operators of the scale needed to rapidly build out 5G networks.

What do you think about the letter to Canada’s Prime Minister from U.S. Senators? Should the U.S. be involved in how Canada chooses to build its 5G infrastructure? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”https://www.scribd.com/document/390730916/10-11-18-Letter-to-Prime-Minister-Trudeau-Re-Huawei” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Scribd[/button]

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