Google+ may be dead but the fans we gained are alive and well


It was just a few years ago that many tech media websites and internet users began preaching the death of Google+. But through the cacophony of insults and dredged up memories of other failed Google products, a small army of Google+ loyalists refused to believe it.

For a few years there it almost seemed as if those true believers were going to be legitimized. Google spent some time trying to improve the platform and seemed to have an interest in keeping it running. But it was to no avail. Two security incidents involving Google+ user data forced Google’s hand and the black sheep social network is finally being put out to pasture.

I’m not going to go into all the details, you can go back and read our previous articles on Google+. No, this article is a special piece which I don’t expect everyone to read, and I frankly don’t care if they do or not. This one is for the fans we gained through Google+.

Before this website came into existence I was accepted into the Google+ beta during its first week. At first, it was like posting and responding to yourself, the place was a real ghost town long before Mashable deemed it one. But eventually, over time, I discovered more and more people whose interests aligned with mine. This grew into dozens of real friendships which turned into collaborating and working and, eventually, led me to creating Techaeris.

Google+ may be dead
35,227 followers on Google+

I fostered my personal Google+ profile, gaining well over 30,000 followers, and the Techaeris page gained hundreds of thousands of more followers. Google+ was unlike any other social media platform I had ever used. There was a real conversation going on. There was a real debate happening. There were real friendships being grown. There were even those doing good things, such as the Google+ Secret Santa program.

You might be thinking to yourself that I am taking the closing of Google+ a bit personally, and you’d be right. I’ve said it before. I’m convinced, if it wasn’t for Google+ and the connections, friends, and colleagues I made through that social platform, Techaeris probably wouldn’t exist. So before Google shuts the lights off in a few months, we wanted to make sure that our fans, the ones who have been with us since the start in 2013, know how much we have appreciated your support. From sharing our content, kind words, financial support, and everything in-between, we are forever grateful for our Google+ family and as it looks like we are all splintering out to other social platforms…we wanted to make this final post of thanks.

It’s been a fun ride. We’ve had an amazing time getting to know so many of you. We can’t thank you enough for everything over the past 5+ years. For those who want to continue following us, we’re still on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and now MeWe. Our posting on Google+ will start to fade over the next few days. With Google closing the platform sooner than expected, we’re also going to transition out sooner than we wanted.

So, Google+ may be dead but the fans we gained are alive and well! Take care my friends, don’t be strangers!

~Alex and the Techaeris Team~

Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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