Singapore is on its way to attaining national Infocomm technology goals

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Singapore has become the talk of the world for many good reasons. The state has shown tremendous improvements in Infocomm as shown on government reports. Their aim is to become the best economy in the world that has taken advantage of technology.

Singapore has set national goals to digitize almost all of their operations and incorporate Infocomm technology across the country. A few years ago, the state hosted CommunicAsia and EnterpriseIT forums which showcased how technology has advanced the communications world.

Singapore’s Interest in Infocomm

According to the national goals, the country is aiming at incorporating world-class platforms in Infocomm so that all of their businesses and companies can fit globally. Examples of such platforms include the following:

  • eGovernment: More government services across the world are now being integrated into a single digital platform. The aim is to give citizens easy and straightforward access to its services. Singapore is among the states that have complied with the eGovernment platform.
  • LTE: 4G communication is at the center of making Infocomm a success. With this in mind, Singapore is making efforts to connect the entire island to this super-fast internet connectivity. Thus, channeling communication, interactions, and transactions over the internet will not be a problem at all in this state.
  • Cloud Computing: According to experts at Visa Express, no investor will come all the way to Singapore to open an affiliate branch if they cannot enjoy the same cloud computing that the mother business is enjoying. Singapore has vowed to comply with world standards in this technology by all means.
  • Satellite Communications: Together with communication over the internet, satellite communication technology will be a significant booster for businesses like fleet solution providers. It is fast and convenient, making it a better choice for global businesses.
  • Data Center: The government of Singapore has a goal of creating several data centers to host servers and other centralized digital operations. They have hired experienced experts to be in charge of such centers in an effort to eliminate any hitches in Infocomm.
Singapore has stepped in the right direction to create a more stable economy.

Taking Local Companies Global

Singapore has shown interest in giving local businesses the opportunity to enjoy global privileges. This way, both starter and established businesses will now have the resources they need to expand globally. The state is keen on making Infocomm the biggest stepping stone from the confinement of local operations. They can now compete in global markets while taking advantage of the best communication technology in the world.

The CommunicAsia forum that was recently held in Singapore created an opportunity for SMEs to get exposure to how international businesses take advantage of Infocomms to excel. According to government authorities, this exposure will yield better results in the future.


Singapore has stepped in the right direction to create a more stable economy. A senior government official said that this is just the beginning for the state. He also encouraged all local businesspeople to start using the communication resources made available to them by the government and other private service providers.

Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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