The MeWe social network made a tool to import your Google+ data to their platform

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I think most of us have or are getting over the Google+ shutdown and have moved on with our lives. Many of us have moved on to either Twitter or the MeWe social network. For those who are still using Google+ and haven’t made the call on where they want to go. Perhaps this little bit of news may help in the decision-making process.

You can now find the MeWe Google+ import tool live and ready to use HERE.

The MeWe social network has just announced that they have made a tool that will import your Google+ data to their platform. The tool is simply called the G+ MeWe Importer. The tool is expected to go live on March 12th, possibly even sooner. Here’s what MeWe had to say about the importer tool.

The feedback from G+ users about the G+ MeWe Importer is highly positive, including one G+ user who wrote “Brilliant. I was dreading this process,” and another who wrote, “That should make things easier!”

MeWe Spokesperson

Here are some of the details of this G+ MeWe Importer tool:

  • Move your public G+ posts to MeWe as open posts on your MeWe timeline (dated and ordered the same as they were on G+).
  • Move your public collection and community posts to MeWe and create open posts on your MeWe timeline (dated and ordered the same as they were on G+) with the collection or community name as a #hashtag.
  • We’ll make improvements to the G+ MeWe Importer after launch, including the ability to import your data from Circles onto MeWe, which is expected to be live April 1.
  • To make your transition to MeWe easier, by the end of March a “posting to close friends” feature will also go live on MeWe. We’re working on more for you as well.
  • To make your transition simple, we suggest you do two things right away – download your G+ content and create your MeWe ( account.
  • Instructions to download your Google+ content can be found on Google’s website here. MeWe confirmed on Twitter you’ll need to download in JSON format.
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We think this might be a great persuader to move to the MeWe social network for some G+ users. Let us know if you have any questions for the MeWe team and we’ll see if we can get some answers for you! Let us know your questions in the comments below or on Twitter, or Facebook. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network.

Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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