The Verge issues statement on YouTube copyright strikes


The Vox Media YouTube copyright strikes drama seems to be resolving itself — although not without a little more drama surrounding the resolution. The Verge’s Editor-in-Chief Nilay Patel issued a statement on the situation, calling the whole thing “toxic.”

YouTube copyright strikes can have a very negative impact on any YouTube channel and that’s partially why the situation did become toxic. While The Verge did apologize for the YouTube copyright strikes, some YouTubers are still upset over how the entire thing went down and for the reasons The Verge gave. The Verge said of the dozens of videos mocking The Verge’s original video only two were targeted.

Those two reaction videos used 90 percent of our footage without any edits, cuts, or otherwise transformative use, and one of them in particular featured what our legal team felt was a pretty racist character. Our legal team felt this was not fair use, and issued a copyright strike request to YouTube for those two videos. A number of other very critical videos were not responded to in any way.

YouTube notified the two channels in question, said there was a chance our request wouldn’t make it through, and asked our legal team for their case. Our team made the case, YouTube agreed the videos were not fair use, and issued the strikes.

When this was brought to my attention a few hours later, I told them that although I fully agreed with their legal argument, I did not think we should use copyright strikes against legitimate channels even if we thought the videos crossed the line. (And again, I fully agree with our legal team that these videos crossed the line of fair use.)

Nilay Patel – The Verge

YouTuber boogie2988, who has over 4 million subscribers, fired back at The Verge in a response video.

You can read (and I encourage you to) the entire Verge statement on the matter over on their website.

This whole situation got heated very quickly with a lot of knee jerk reactions and perhaps someone learned something from the whole thing. Hopefully, the affected channels and The Verge can eventually come to a complete understanding and leave this behind them. Only time will tell.

What are your thoughts on the YouTube copyright strikes The Verge issued on these YouTube channels? What do you think of their statement? What about the responses of the YouTube channels? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter, or Facebook. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network.

[button link=”” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: The Verge[/button]

Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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