Education tech tips for teachers during remote learning


Remote learning is no longer a new trend. It started even before the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, which has greatly affected the education sector across the globe. But with the continued technological improvements and developments, remote education has made it easier to conduct learning outside the classroom. In fact, it is quickly becoming a new norm in the industry that needs to be embraced.

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However, remote learning can’t be effective in delivering content to learners without proper planning and considerations. Thankfully, we have identified the following top Ed-tech tips for teachers to follow when conducting remote learning. They come to help them deliver the safest and secure remote learning experience to their students.

1. Be familiar with the technology and tools used

It is not an assurance that teachers have similar skills about the new technology designed for distance learning. Therefore, they need to start learning the basics to make the process efficient. Besides, they should embrace the chance to develop a community where they can all learn from one another. As a distant-learning teacher, the following are vital things you should do.

  • Start mastering the basics and then advance with time. You can start with what you and the learners already know. For example understanding how to use zoom features, and then shift to Nearpod or Flipgrid later on. This will incredibly help to vary the classroom setting and learning experience. Besides, ensure that the students and even parents or guardians can do the same.
  • Provide the necessary resources to enable the students and parents to learn how to operate the apps. If the parent knows how to navigate to an online classroom, it may be easier for them to help their kids.
  • Ask remote learners to do small tech tasks and allow them to present their answers. You will be pleased with the many ways they’ll come up with how the tools work and enjoy greater control.

2. Avoid introducing new tech tools to learners

Remote learners should not get forced to learn and master the new tools or software to perform a task. Instead, the mastery of classroom-related work should be left on its own. This means that there should be no extra content about learning the new technology to be included. If not, there will be a lot of confusion among the students, and whatever the teacher intended to teach will be in vain. So, always think about the students and their needs first when planning and conducting distance learning.

3. Promote Equity and Access

According to educators, handling resource access issues early enough when conducting distance learning is critical. It simply means that teachers need to determine who requires what equipment, connectivity, and other accommodations to make remote learning available for everyone. More importantly, you need to remember about equity when formulating distance learning norms and expectations.

This means that students with special needs such as special education, economically disadvantaged, English Language Learners, and much more are well catered for when carrying out remote learning. So, distance learning teachers have to use alternative resource platforms like google, the Khan Academy, or PBS Learning tools which offer high-quality content for free. Moreover, the content needs to be available in a suitable language that the learners understand best.

4. Offer nonstop support to learners

As much as learning takes place remotely, it doesn’t mean that students won’t need support. You will have to help with tech support such as log-ins, passwords, required updates, hardware breaks, and so on. They will also need instructional support like using the tools and resources, and giving samples and examples to understand best.

It would be best to develop easy ways such as a tech support address, Google form, or email for the learners and other stakeholders to seek assistance. Remember, the support system should not only focus on the students’ tech navigation problems and issues about using the tools.

Instead, it should help learners overcome their social and emotional problems. This can be possible by ensuring a safe and secure platform for connecting peers, reporting bullying, and more. Without this critical tech feature, students and other stakeholders will withdraw or disengage from learning remotely.

5. Always promote constant communication and collaboration

The success of ed-tech remote learning often depends on continuous two-way communication and collaboration. All the stakeholders involved need to provide information instantly after preparing, organizing, and double-checking it. Make sure the information is correct and current with the utmost relevance.

Moreover, the information should be conveyed through different platforms like email, phone messaging, online software such as Flipgrid, LMS, or video. Be sure also to offer various avenues to receive learners’ return communication, feedback, and questions. Make sure you allocate time to review the questions and their feedback and respond to them on time. The teachers, administration, and other stakeholders must work together to ensure the ed tech digital learning is effective.

6. Remember flexibility and wellness of the leaner is vital

Like in a regular classroom setting, the physical and emotional health of the learner comes first. Without these two, learning can’t happen. So, make the wellness of your students a priority to make the remote learning session successful. You can achieve this by:

  • Coming up with different ways to include games, show and tell, and chatting at all levels.
  • Being flexible on how and when the learners demonstrate learning.
  • Emphasizing the benefits of wellness, doing exercises, and sleeping adequately. Use stretch breaks, humor, and informal check-ins while conducting remote learning.
  • Motivating the students always to reach you if they are struggling in any way and let them know how best to handle their situation.
  • Celebrating their birthdays and achievements in every way that make sense
  • Finding ways to take good care of yourself too. Create a balanced daily routine of your self-care and work life.

Final Words

Distance learning continues to take a new turn, and many states are making it a new normal. And the teacher will still play the role of an instructor and guider like in the classroom setting. With these tips ed tech tips, you can be sure your students have the most remarkable remote learning experience ever. This will positively impact their success in their education systems.


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