Here are some effective ways to increase online sales


It’s every entrepreneur’s goal to see their business grow and become profitable, and the only way your business can succeed is by increasing your sales. However, many businesses have started selling online as more and more consumers shift to online shopping, partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Your business needs to stand out from the competition to earn loyal customers and grow your sales. That means having an optimized sales plan strategy. Having a solid sales strategy in place can help you streamline and improve your sales process, increasing your high-value customers. Here are some effective and practical ways to increase your online sales:

1.    Optimize Your Online Store

Today, many customers are using their phones to make purchases. Your eCommerce site should be well-designed and optimized to make navigation easy for the customers when shopping from their phones. A responsive website with short loading times ensures your customers can buy your products from any device in only a few clicks, which can significantly increase conversion rates.

2.    Simplify Your Checkout Process

If your checkout process requires going through too many steps to complete, your customers are more likely to abandon their carts and shop elsewhere. Make the process easier for your customers by removing any unnecessary steps and requirements.

Put the checkout into an expanding page and keep the text short and concise to provide customers with the information they need without overwhelming them. Make the order total visible throughout the entire process, so your customers can complete their purchase faster and confidently. Simplifying your checkout process can help customers buy without filling in lengthy forms, which can help grow your sales dramatically.

3.    Provide Multiple Payment Methods

On top of simplifying your checkout process, you should also provide multiple payment methods. This will allow customers to pay you using their preferred payment method, reducing cart abandonment. Include all types of credit and debit cards and third-party payment options such as Google Wallet, PayPal, ApplyPay, and Venmo. You should also provide your customers the option to pay for your goods in cash on delivery. This will cater to all kinds of customers and make it easy and convenient to purchase with you.

4.    Keep Shipping Costs Low

Most consumers abandon their carts at checkout due to additional fees like shipping. Offering free shipping can be an effective way to ensure your customers complete their purchases and boost your online sales. You can provide free shipping by including the shipping costs in your product prices. If that’s not viable, you can choose to offer free shipping for orders above a specific limit. You can also offer shipping at a flat rate, allowing customers to know upfront how much they’ll pay.

5.    Use High-Quality Product Photos

When it comes to selling online, you want to ensure you provide as much visual information as possible. This is crucial since your customers can’t physically touch or even try your product before purchasing it, and they rely solely on the provided photos and information to evaluate the products. Take high-quality photos of your products from different angles to accurately showcase their features. You can also use product demonstrations and 3D videos to help potential buyers experience your products and convince them to buy. This can help drive your online sales as most online shoppers consider videos more trustworthy than just images.

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6.    Use Recommendations and Testimonials

Customers actively seek genuine reviews to determine the true quality of a service or product, and they tend to trust other consumers more than the brands. Include both the bad and the good customer reviews about your products on your site to give buyers a full view of the products. Add a page on your site for showcasing case studies and testimonials from customers. Hearing other consumers’ opinions can give potential buyers a sense of security with their purchase, increasing your online sales.

7.    Harness the Power of Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to nurture leads and convert them into potential customers. Through email, you can directly communicate with prospects in a more personal way. Your website has a way of collecting visitors’ email addresses, so you can inform them about new products, sales, ongoing discounts, or even promotional codes. If it’s a new online store, you can collect more email addresses by offering a discount code or a subscription option to your blog as an incentive to sign up. Create an email newsletter to engage with your customers on a regular basis. This can also help you establish repeat customers and boost your online sales.

8.    Use Social Ads to Promote Your Brand

You can implement many different sales techniques using social ads like attracting subscribers, encouraging app download, showcasing a customized product catalog, and remarketing. Unlike other platforms, social ads offer you many targeting options, allowing you to reach your target audience and grow your online sales. Social networks usually have lots of info about their users that you can leverage to launch highly-targeted ads to attract new customers and entice users similar to your current customers.

9.    Create a Sense of Urgency

While it’s crucial to be transparent and honest as an entrepreneur, there’s no harm in creating a sense of urgency to convince prospects to buy from you right now. This technique involves notifying your customers about limited-edition products or time-sensitive special offers. You can also offer a financial incentive such as a discount or free shipping to customers who buy right away.

This marketing trick can help increase your online sales because many customers often respond positively to such incentives. Showcase the limited offers on your site’s homepage and all your advertising campaigns on search engines and social networks. You can also create a special landing page for each of your limited offers.

10. Offer a Money-Back Guarantee

Many customers worry about losing their money if the products they purchase don’t work or they don’t like them. As a result, they try to avoid a potential loss by not buying the products. Even small purchases carry the risk of ‘buyer’s remorse.’

Offering a money-back guarantee is one of the best ways to overcome risk aversion. Many customers will be more willing to buy your products when they know that they can get their money back if they don’t like it..


Applying the tips mentioned above to your business can help boost your online sales and get your business ahead. Be sure to analyze your business’ strengths and weaknesses, so you can determine what strategies can help overcome your shortcomings. Choose to implement strategies that are appropriate for your business and your unique circumstance.

What tips do you have for increasing online sales? Please share your thoughts on any of the social media pages listed below. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network.


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