Infographic: Ten education apps that collect the most personal data


Education apps can sometimes be invaluable tools for some students and parents when they feel they need an extra boost in learning. You can find education apps in the hundreds, if not thousands, on the Apple App Store and Google Play. They range from teaching languages and math to reading and writing.

Many of these education apps are super helpful, and students and teachers have praised many of the ones on this AtlasVPN list. This infographic shows the ten education apps that collect the most user data. To help mobile users understand what information such apps collect, the Atlas VPN team investigated the privacy of 50 popular educational apps for iOS. Most of the apps on this list can also be found on Android.

The Atlas VPN team found that 98% of iOS apps within the education category collect user data. On average, one educational application for iOS harvests data across more than 8 data segments, such as name, email, phone number, location, payment information, and search history, to name a few.
A segment is a data point such as name, phone number, and precise location grouped in broader data types such as contact information, financial information, and location. Apple’s App Store distinguishes 14 data types and 32 segments.
Duolingo, the leading language learning app, came out as the most data-hungry, collecting user information across 19 segments. Yet another language learning app Busuu and the learning platform Google Classroom is also not far behind with 17 data segments.
The third spot on the list is occupied by gamified online learning tool Chegg Study and flashcard solution Quizlet. These apps gather information from 16 data segments.

When it comes to the types of data that apps collect, there is a lot of variation. However, some types are more common than others.
Identifiers, such as user ID and device ID, are the most frequently collected data type at 88%, followed by the contact information, such as name, email, phone number, or physical address, at 84%.
Out of the studied apps, 74% also gather usage data, such as product interactions, 64% of apps collect user content, such as audio data, photos, or videos, meanwhile 52% garner diagnostic information.
Additionally, 42% of apps harvest purchase data, such as payment history, 28% do so with location data, including coarse and precise location, and 22% of apps with search history.

Check out the full story on AtlasVPN and the infographic below.

Infographic: Ten education apps that collect the most personal data

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