Infographic: The largest data breaches around the world


From January 2022 to November 2022, in just 10 months, over 15 million global data records have been lost, leaked, stolen, or exposed through data breaches. 

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Data loss is a massive problem worldwide, with total records lost or stolen from the past decade being in the billions. The US alone accounts for nearly two-thirds of all data losses worldwide, with 6.2 billion records lost or stolen from 2013 to 2020. Data loss is caused by various sources, from human error to cyberattacks and unexpected events.

Information is commonly lost through malware and other attacks, such as phishing, spoofing, and ransomware. Random events such as hardware failure, software glitches, and even natural disasters account for a significant portion of data loss. Human error accounts for as much as 80% of incidents where data is lost. Poor communication, accidental deletion, lack of training, and even misclicks are all too often to blame when data is lost.

Cyberattacks and data breaches effect more than countries – 45% of retailers have reported the increased size, severity, and scope of threats against their data. Many industries, from finance and healthcare to transportation and public administration, have had massive leaks over hundreds of incidents. Between 2021 and 2022, over 5000 global businesses experienced confirmed data loss.

In 2017, an employee at Anthem Health Insurance forwarded 18,500 members’ records to a third-party vendor; in 2018, 100 GB of data was exfiltrated from a loan services company. British Airways 2020 suffered a data breach that affected 400,000 customers, and Toyota lost 300,000 customer emails to hackers. 

Losing data in any amount can incapacitate a business. Make sure you have an airtight solution to protect your data here. Check out the infographic below for some of the larger breaches that have happened in the past.

The World's Largest Data Breaches

What do you think of these data breaches? Do you have others you would add to the list? Please share your thoughts on any of the social media pages listed below. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network. Be sure to subscribe to our RUMBLE channel as well!


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