

The Ninja PowerLoader Exoskeleton Enhances Strength

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The Japanese robotics company Activelink (a subsidiary of Panasonic) has revealed its latest exoskeleton suit that could give humans a boost in strength. This is a second generation model of this suit and has taken inspiration from the Aliens 2 exosuits. The Ninja weighs around 132 pounds and is able to lift and carry around three times this amount. 

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Exoskeleton Boots Could Make Walking Easier For Some


Hugh Herr and MIT Media Labs are developing  new exoskeleton boots that could make walking over challenging terrain easier for soldiers on the battlefield. The boots could even be used for physical therapy patients who are learning how to walk again or for people who just want to take a very long walk.

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Insects As Small As 3 mm Being 3D Modeled And Colored



Some brilliant minds in Australia have a new 3D modeling system that can model insects as small as 3 mm and bring their characteristics into a scale that scientists can study them better. These large colored 3D models are kind of creepy but really cool at the same time. I’ve often wondered what we would do if some of these bugs were the size of large dogs, we’d probably be in some trouble. Check out the Abstract from the PLOS One website and hit the links after the break for more info. 

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night vision contact lense

Night Vision – Coming Soon To Contact Lenses


Night vision devices have played a part in any number of movies, tv shows, and video games as well as their prominent use in real life – mainly by the military and law enforcement.  One thing has always been true of these devices: they’ve always been fairly big and bulky.  The University of Michigan is looking to change all of that with a recent breakthrough in light detection. 

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Gaming rage smashed controller

Gaming Aggression – Failure Versus Violence


We’ve all seen the headlines – Violent Video games Cause Aggression!  But what if they didn’t?  Video games and gaming in general have grown significantly in a relatively short amount of time.  It’s easy to see how games, and the people that play them can be misunderstood.  The University of Rochester has conducted a study and found that the cause of most aggression in gamers stems from their failure and frustration during gameplay, not the violent content of the games they play.

Read more… A New Site For Teens To Discover Science


Twin Cities Public Televison and 3M launched a new website that offers science and technology served up for teens. TPT and 3M developed this idea in response to declining student interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). So what is going to make this so different from any other science and technology website? Sparticl is a place where teens not only find and read information but they interact and can even contribute to the content.

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