Four Tips to saving photos from your iPhone


What could be more annoying than losing all your photos on your iPhone thanks to an unexpected phone crash? Most iPhone users encounter this problem which makes them regret instantly and wishing they had a backup copy of their photos. One good thing about Apple is that they have already solved this problem. You can always sync your photos with apple’s online storage called iCloud. Basically, if you sync your phone to the iCloud, every photo you take will automatically be uploaded via online. It works until you reach your limit, and then you have to pay for an expansion to your storage. So all those years of captured moments can be recalled even if you accidentally delete them. There are other ways to save your photo aside from iCloud. If you don’t trust iCloud due to the many leaked photos, then you can always do this simple tips that are as good as iCloud.

1. Make a backup copy on your computer

If you are that type of person who freaks out about hackers and unsafety of the internet then this is the perfect choice for you. This is the safest way to backup your photos. All you have to do is rely on iTunes to send your photos on the internet and make a folder for all your photos. Not only are you saving your photos but you are also saving space in your iPhone. It will also help you decide which photos you will keep and which photos you need to delete. You can check the photos one on one, unlike the other application that automatically sends it on the internet. Although it can be time-consuming if you are willing to burn that much time then it is perfect for you.

2. Use different cloud services

There are many cloud services that will back-up your phone. You can choose from Google photos, Dropbox, Prime Photos, Flickr, Microsoft One Drive. All these cloud services have an iPhone application that does exactly like the iCloud, with free and larger storage. Just take your pick. All you have to do then is to configure the apps so that it will automatically backup your photos. You can also visit They also offer other techs that will help you backup your selfies.

3. Print your Photos

You can always do it the old school way and that is to print your photos. Nowadays, thanks to social media, photos are rarely developed. Some might say that society today has taken cameras for granted. They take so many pictures and never get to see all of them. So, if you are up for the task all you have to do is print that photo. Print it and put it in an album. That is the best way to backup your photo. The best part is that you can always see them and your visiting relatives can see them as well.

4. Social Media as Back-up

Lastly, you can always put your favorite photos on any social media site. Not only are you showing off those beautifully captured moments but you are also saving them without knowing it and you can get them anytime you want. All you have to do is upload an album on Facebook and you are done.

Last Updated on August 11, 2019.


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