Qube Wi-Fi smart bulb halts Indiegogo order fulfillment


Kickstarter and Indiegogo projects are sometimes a risk as backers of the Qube Wi-Fi smart bulb are finding out. We were contacted by one such backer who was upset that the company is halting shipments to backers. It appears Qube is facing challenges which is hampering their ability to fulfill the orders as promised. Also, according to the backer who has emailed us. Qube had promised an iOS app to go with the bulb and has only released an Android beta app.

I fell victim to this, I funded, got my bulb almost 6 months late, they never released an iOS app to control the bulb, only a beta Android one.

After a few weeks of no updates, Qube finally posted an update yesterday, it reads in part:

Hi Qube Backers,

We hope that this update finds you well. It has been some time since we last updated here.

For the past 2-3 months, we have been working hard to ensure that the hardware and software are progressing as planned. However, we met with many challenges and as a result, it will take us much longer than we expected to fully fulfill all the orders. As some of you may know through our email correspondences, some of the challenges that we face include:

– The departure of our CTO/lead developer, as well as our inability to find a suitable replacement to continue the development

– Our shipping issues as per previous updates

– Running out of cash flow as the development time for Qube took much longer than we anticipated

As such, we regret to inform all backers that there will be a temporary halt in our production and shipping of Qube. Our priority now is to seek additional investment so that we will be able to fulfil our obligations to you.

Crowdfunding ventures are a risky proposition sometimes and hopefully, Qube can work it out for their users. It should be noted that Qube was funded well beyond their initial goal. They raised $625,000 USD, which was 540% of their funding goal. You can read the entire update at the link below.

Did you back the Qube project? What has your experience been? Let us know by leaving your comments down below, or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.


[button link=”https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/world-s-most-affordable-wi-fi-smart-bulb–4#/updates/all” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Indiegogo[/button]

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