Julian Assange Slams Google And Eric Schmidt


Julian Assange started off as a programmer and hacker before becoming the editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks which publishes many secret documents and other potentially incriminating information. WikiLeaks hit the public eye when they leaked some U.S. Military and diplomatic documents provided by former U.S. Army Private (E-1) Chelsea Manning. Assange has been under investigation by the U.S. since then and has also battled allegations of sexual offenses of his own.

Now Julian Assange has written an op/ed piece in Newsweek where he dismantles Google and Eric Schmidt, painting both the company and its CEO as the complete opposite of what their famous mantra “Don’t Be Evil” preaches.

Nobody wants to acknowledge that Google has grown big and bad. But it has. Schmidt’s tenure as CEO saw Google integrate with the shadiest of U.S. power structures as it expanded into a geographically invasive megacorporation. But Google has always been comfortable with this proximity. Long before company founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin hired Schmidt in 2001, their initial research upon which Google was based had been partly funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). And even as Schmidt’s Google developed an image as the overly friendly giant of global tech, it was building a close relationship with the intelligence community.

Assange goes on through this lengthy op/ed pointing out Google’s relationships with governments and other industries amd much of what he points out sure paints Google as a company with some interesting motives. Assange ties Google to formal sharing contracts with the NSA and other agencies and uses many examples of government friendships and relationships. He lays put some pretty damning stuff in this piece, but it’s up to the reader on whether to believe it or not. The entire op/ed can be found at the source link below and it is worth a good chunk of your time. You might view Google differently after reading it, or you might just think it’s all a pack of lies. Let us know what you think in the comments or on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

If the future of the Internet is to be Google, that should be of serious concern to people all over the world—in Latin America, East and Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, the former Soviet Union and even in Europe—for whom the Internet embodies the promise of an alternative to U.S. cultural, economic, and strategic hegemony.

A “don’t be evil” empire is still an empire.

[button link=”http://www.newsweek.com/assange-google-not-what-it-seems-279447″ icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Newsweek[/button]

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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