Google Project Loon Being Scaled Up


Google has its interests in a variety of technologies spanning the gambit. One of the interests, Project Loon, is set to bring Internet access to humans in remote places. It was announced in a Google+ post that Google’s Project Loon is about to be scaled up.

Project Loon was launched in 2013 as a venture to test whether high altitude balloons could be used to deliver internet connectivity into remote areas of the world. After running successful tests in New Zealand, Google is now trying to answer the next challenge. That is how to make enough balloons to cover the entire planet as well as launch and control all of those balloons.

Check out the video below.

It’s going to be very exciting to see if Google and the Project Loon team can accomplish all that they want to do. Of course a project like this is going to cost masses of money and Google’s pockets run deep. The question one has to ask is: How does Google make money from a venture like this? Surely you don’t invest that much money into something that doesn’t have a return. Only the future can tell.

What do you think of Google’s Project Loon? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

Last Updated on November 27, 2018.


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