
AirSelfie drone fits into a smartphone case

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Drones are becoming increasingly popular and there’s literally hundreds to choose from on the market — from high-end drones priced in the thousands to low-end toy drones that cost twenty or thirty bucks. There’s probably a drone out there that would probably fit your skill level and needs but now there’s one more, the AirSelfie drone. This is a Kickstarter project that’s trying to make the idea of a drone that fits in a smartphone case a reality. The cool thing about this project is not only the small size of the drone but the fact it is controlled by a smartphone app.


  • AirSelfie can fly up to 66 feet vertically, and features four powerful propellers, a 5-megapixel video camera.
  • AirSelfie connects to smartphones via self-generated WiFi and comes equipped with a rechargeable battery, or an external power bank.
  • AirSelfie is easy to use: to activate it, the user simply removes it from its case and turns it on.
  • A vibration absorber system and altimeter guarantee stable, clear, flowing images.
  • AirSelfie was created by the family that owns the Italian company Mondo, a major commercial flooring and toy manufacturer.

There are other small drones on the market but this one looks to be a bit more advanced and the Kickstarter price of $192USD which the company says is 50% off projected retail. I do have my doubts on how well this thing will perform in wind and if the video footage is worth the entry fee of $192USD. It looks interesting though and you can head over to their Kickstarter page to read more of their data and watch some other videos.


Let us know in the comments below if you end up backing the project and what you think of it. Or hit us up on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

[button link=”https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1733117980/airselfie” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: Kickstarter[/button]

Last Updated on February 14, 2017.


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