Destiny 2‘s Leviathan raid to be boosted with raid lair

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When Bungie announced Destiny 2‘s first expansion “Curse of Osiris,” it hinted at new raid content. That new content will end up being delivered in the form of a new raid lair. What this means is there isn’t a new raid coming, but more content for the current raid. That’s right folks, the Leviathan raid that takes place on the Cabal emperor ship, will see its own expansion of sorts.

The current raid won’t change much, save for a boost in the required light level. Bungie will boost the current light level to 300, up from the recommended 270. It’s also the required light level to start the prestige raid. It’ll include a lot of new things for guardians as well. That is, according to Brendan Thorne, senior game designer at Bungie who spoke during the first live stream event.

“A raid lair is a brand-new six-player raid activity,” he said. “It’s an entirely new set of encounters, new puzzles, new loot, completely new places to explore […] and then we have a brand-new final boss for you to fight.”

The new raid lair will be called Leviathan, Eater of Worlds and will be shorter than the current raid. Bungie knows that not everyone can meet up to raid for hours on end and has designed the raid lair with that in mind. The raid lair won’t be a walk in the park, however. According to Stuart Monske, senior designer on Bungie’s raid team, “you’re going to die a lot.”

Bungie also plans to add another raid lair when Destiny 2‘s second expansion arrives in the spring. Monske also spoke on what the motivation for raid lairs was. According to him, variety was paramount. Raid lairs gave the team a chance to experiment with “more puzzle-y raids, more sandbox-focused raids.”

The raid will be released at a specific time, much like the raids of old. Bungie will also monitor which raid team completes the lair first. Although Bungie hasn’t mentioned a specific release date for the raid yet, we’ll let you know when it does.

Will you be picking up the “Curse of Osiris” expansion for Destiny 2? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+Twitter, or Facebook.

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