MeWe users now have an unofficial markdown guide to reference


As Google+ starts to wind down and users start finding their way to new platforms, like MeWe, some things aren’t always clear. One of the nice things about Google+ was the ability to markdown your posts, formatting them almost like a blog post. MeWe has the same functionality but they do not have a markdown guide handy for users to reference. Enter Derek Batting.

Batting has been working on an unofficial markdown guide for MeWe users after becoming frustrated that MeWe had not provided any guides. Batting has contacted MeWe representatives but hasn’t really gotten anywhere with encouraging an official guide. Batting created this markdown guide to help users understand what works and what doesn’t work. Markdown language works differently on platforms such as Discord, Github, and Slack. What works on one site may not work in the other.

Batting is hosting the comprehensive guide on Github and will soon make the project open source. This would allow users to fork it, modify it, or do as they please with it. He is also working on a “Just The Basics” version. Basically, it’s a learn MeWe markdown in five minutes version.

markdown guide
Just a small portion of what the guide looks like.

This markdown guide is being released under an open license and will be open source on GitHub so people can fork it, alter it, or change whatever they like and use it how they wish. “Free as in love and free as in beer.”

Derek Batting

One thing of note for mobile users: the guide is intended for Desktop browser users and doesn’t scale well on mobile browsers. Batting is working on putting together an Android app usage guide based on current desktop findings in the future. Even if the guide doesn’t render correctly in mobile, it’s still helpful and a welcome tool for many MeWe users.

You can find the MeWe markdown guide at the link below as well as a link to a MeWe group where you can find support.

What do you think of the guide? Are you grateful for Derek’s work on this? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter, or Facebook. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network.

[button link=”” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: The Guide[/button][button link=”” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: The Group[/button]
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Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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