3 reasons employee training is crucial for a tech company’s success


Humans are inventing and implementing new technologies faster than today’s educators have the ability to learn about them, get training in using them, and teach them to their students. New fields are emerging, and others are disappearing with alarming rapidity. Even students who have earned their degrees from the world’s best universities must face the reality that the skills they learned in school might have only a short duration of usefulness before they become obsolete

This has resulted in a situation where it is critical for employees to continually engage in either reskilling or upskilling, depending on the situation.

In the past, many employers expected employees to assume the burden of making the necessary investments in their own training. They expected to be able to hire people who had already mastered the necessary skills – and these expectations were frequently met.

However, in this age of rapidly advancing technology, the skill sets necessary to satisfy enterprise employers’ requirements are becoming increasingly elusive.

For example, there is a huge skills gap in the field of cybersecurity. According to a survey conducted by Kaspersky, staffing personnel at 75 percent of all businesses are experiencing challenges with finding sufficient numbers of IT security professionals to hire. There are also talent shortages in other IT niches including data science, machine learning and mobile technology.

This situation has prompted employers to rethink their options for solving the skills gap. They’re realizing that it simply isn’t viable for them to wait around in hopes that perfectly trained employees will materialize and fill their job vacancies. 

The most obvious solution is for employers to provide employee training and development for their teams. In many cases, it will make sense for them to take the initiative of training their own hires to cultivate the required skills.

Let’s take a look at 3 reasons that employee training is now crucial – particularly in the tech sector, where skills shortages are an everyday reality that hiring managers and human resources professionals must constantly contend with:

Empower Employees to Gain Competency

Recent graduates may not have sufficient skills to excel at the job they’ve been hired to do. On average, it typically takes a new employee about 6 months to gain the competence to actually do the job they’ve been hired for. Employee training can help to reduce the amount of time required for new employees to become proficient enough at their jobs that they will add value to the organization.

According to Walkme’s helpful employee training guide, there are 3 different goals employers might want to emphasize, depending on the individual employee’s level of experience. For brand new hires in entry-level positions, basic competency is the most useful outcome to be achieved through employee training. After that, improved productivity would be a major goal that could be reached through ongoing employee training. After that goal has been met, managerial training might be the next milestone to aim for when it becomes obvious that you’re dealing with an exceptionally promising hire.

Clarify Expectations

Employees absolutely need to have a clear understanding of exactly what is expected of them. Training is one of the most effective ways to help your employees understand your expectations for how they should approach their jobs.

If they’re recent graduates with zero work experience, your training will give them a crucial means of learning how to apply what they learned at university; and if they’re experienced workers, your training would ideally give them a solid introduction to the unique way that your company does business, which will likely differ from how things were done at the last company they worked for.

Demonstrate That Your Organization Values Employees

Employee training is one of the most important things you can do to make your employees aware that they are valued. This, in turn, can help to significantly increase their levels of engagement, which frequently leads to improved employee productivity and success. When employees are engaged, productive and successful at their work, retention levels tend to rise dramatically. This can help to protect the sizable investment you’ll make in recruiting, hiring and training them.

These aren’t the only reasons that employee training is crucial and valuable. However, many employers will find that these 3 reasons alone are compelling enough to motivate them to make an investment in employee training.

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