The Grammarly Safari extension is on the fritz


When you write for a living, it’s important to use good grammar, proper punctuation, and sentence structure. If you look back 8-years ago, you will see that my writing has improved over the years. It’s not always been great, but I have learned and grown. One of the more recent tools I’ve employed to make my writing better is Grammarly.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

I used the free version of Grammarly for a few years, and just recently, we decided to purchase a license for the pro version. There are pros and cons to this tool as it’s not always correct in its suggestions due to it not being able to see the context of the entire picture.

Still, I’ve enjoyed using Grammarly, and I would say it’s helped me more than it’s hurt me. I know some writers out there say it’s absolutely not worth using because it can be wrong. For those who absolutely rely on the tool for everything, I would say that is correct. I think it’s a valuable tool for those who can discern when it’s wrong in certain situations.

So it’s been a frustrating week or so when I discovered my Grammarly Safari extension smoking something, causing it to go on the fritz. The extension is installed, and when I click on the green circle to review Grammarly’s suggested corrections, I am met with a new tab asking me to log in to the service.

That’s fine and all, but it seems the service is not resolving my login with the extension, and it is a perpetual circle of logging in. I never get to actually use Grammarly because it just continues to ask me to log in. I reached out to the company via Twitter to complain and get some answers. They returned with an email explaining that they are aware of the situation.

Hi Alex,

Thank you for contacting Grammarly Customer Support!

Unfortunately, we don’t currently have a quick fix, but please rest assured that our team has been made aware of the issue. I can’t provide you with an estimated timeframe right now because the developers need some time to analyze the cause of the issue.

In the meantime, we suggest you use our online Grammarly Editor at or Grammarly’s desktop app. Also at your disposal: Grammarly for Microsoft Office (available to Windows OS users) and Grammarly for Microsoft Word on Mac

I’m going to close this case, but if you have more information regarding this issue, please reply to this email and the case will be re-opened for further investigation. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Grammarly Support

For now, the only fix I have found is to uninstall the Safari extension and reinstall it. I have done this twice, and it works for a short while before the log-in nonsense starts again. Let’s hope the company gets a fix out ASAP.

You can find out more about Grammarly on their website. The service is available on desktop and mobile devices.

Are you having issues with this extension? Please share your thoughts on any of the social media pages listed below. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network.


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