Infographic: The future of live video


Live video as a feature on social media platforms is a concept that has seen record growth in recent years, with predictions showing that by 2028, global revenue from live video will reach nearly $190 billion. Research shows that consumers want live videos and respond well to them, as almost 80% of those users will interact with a live video at least once a week. On the other side of the camera, businesses also utilize live video platforms to conduct their business internally and use this technology as a market strategy.

With that being said, live videos are more than meetings. Sectors like gaming, marketing, real estate, healthcare, and recruiting are only a few of the areas in which live video is changing the game for those who work within said industries. Experts say visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text by the human brain, making the switch to video platforms much more natural and popular.

Despite these benefits of live video, ensuring that the visual is effective and helpful can change the way it is received by the consumer. First, ensuring strong bandwidth and an internet connection can be the key to conducting successful and efficient meetings.

Quality is a factor to consider, which goes hand in hand with bandwidth and helps for user experience to be at its highest. Encoding, privacy, and compatibility are more common factors that can make or break the use of video platforms, as they all contribute to the overarching precedent that users should be able to use their platforms with ease and confidence. In fact, studies show that 30% of sales professionals believe that their web conferencing tools are hindering sales and not helping.

The future of live video is bright. Although there are several kinks that many users still deal with daily, services continue to improve and grow rapidly, ensuring that workers, consumers, and general citizens all have access to this new way of communication.

the power of nimble live video

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