The mitte smart water system purifies and adds minerals to your water


It’s a universally known fact that our bodies need water, but not all water is created equal. Sometimes you need to clean the water you drink and the mitte system aims to do that. mitte not only purifies your drinking water but it can add important minerals back into your water. The whole system lives on your countertop and is fairly simple to operate and maintain. The company offers three different mineral cartridges. Minerals can sometimes be filtered off in regular systems, these cartridges would add that back for maximum benefit.

We want to redefine the way people think about drinking water. ‘Healthy water’ combines the purest purification system with personalized minerals, providing consumers with a unique experience that gives them complete control of their hydration and wellness,” said Moritz Waldstein, founder, and CEO of mitte. Water is usually overlooked as a source of minerals, but it actually contains several of the essential minerals for the human body, often removed in the purification process by common filtration systems.

mitte not only purifies but also enhances drinking water with minerals to create the perfect, curated water for each user’s needs, all from home. With mitte, we say goodbye to the inconvenience of carrying those cases of mineral water home, and the plastic waste that results,” Waldstein adds.

It’s an interesting sounding gadget and the company’s Kickstarter campaign has just launched. The pledge levels for the system start at $234USD/€199 and go up from there.

mitte’s primary goal is to combat a global problem with a local solution. Designing a personal appliance for consumers is just the first step. By backing mitte, users donate a day’s worth of clean drinking water to someone in need for every liter of water they drink at no extra cost, through mitte’s one-for-one program. mitte has partnered with American NGO,, to fulfill that guarantee. Users can even view live data of total and personal donations to the water project in the mitte app.

What do you think of a countertop water filtration system with mineral infusion? Let us know what you think in the comments below, or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

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