Some iPhone X users are experiencing their screens freezing in cold weather

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The iPhone X is fresh on the market and we’re getting our first round of issues and bugs being reported. Yesterday we reported that some iPhone X users were seeing a bright green light on their displays. Today we’ve found out that some iPhone X users are experiencing their screens freezing in cold weather. Of course, the screens aren’t literally freezing like ice, but they are unresponsive to touch in colder weather. Users are reporting that their screens would either not respond at all or responsiveness was inaccurate. Apple has confirmed that this is an issue and told CNBC that they would be working on a software fix.

“After several seconds the screen will become fully responsive again. This will be addressed in an upcoming software update,” an Apple spokeswoman said.

This is Apple’s first OLED display on an iPhone and the company wants it to perform well but with two issues already, it remains to be seen. The bright green line issue is most likely going to be a hardware problem and units will need replacing. This freezing in cold weather some iPhone X users are experiencing should be fixed with an update. Still, there are other issues that Apple does acknowledge, like the blue shift and screen burn-in screen issues.

Apple has acknowledged that there is some slight blue shifting to their display, much like Google’s Pixel 2. XL. OLED screens have usually had this issue, some to a lesser extent than others. Burn-in is the other issue. If you plan on having your iPhone X for longer than a year, be prepared for burn-in.

I’ve yet to see any burn-in, bright green lines, or freezing screens and hopefully it stays that way. The blue shifting is there but not heavily noticeable to my eyes. Apple should be pushing a fix for the freezing screens soon and with much of the country heading into winter, that will be helpful.

Have you experienced any freezing screens in cold weather with your iPhone X? Let us know in the comments below, or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.

[button link=”” icon=”fa-external-link” side=”left” target=”blank” color=”285b5e” textcolor=”ffffff”]Source: CNBC[/button]

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