Social media


Twitter Thinks You’ll Enjoy Tweets From Strangers

More changes are coming to your Twitter timeline.

Twitter has announced an update to their service which many may not like. Twitter has been including Tweets in select timelines showing different types of content from people you don’t follow, and based on their testing plan to introduce Tweets in your timeline from people you don’t know.

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Support The Aercast And Techaeris Patreon Campaign


We’re a small startup technology website that covers the latest tech news. We also provide product reviews and opinions on some of your favorite gadgets and thingamabobs. We’re not funded by any corporate entity and we really want to keep it that way. So please check out our Patreon page and show your support for independent tech news. We feel once corporations get involved in the news it can become skewed and agendas become the focus. We want to focus on our readers, listeners and viewers not on some entity dictating what should be said.  

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