[Infographic] The Psychology of Space


Marie Kondo has been a striking success, showing us the glorious simplicity that comes along with living a decluttered life. Her show has had such a deep and resounding effect that thrift stores are overflowing with our old junk. But what happens when you get rid of the junk and you realize it was all obscuring your honey-do list?

Over time, small things tend to pile up. Maybe your kitchen hasn’t been painted in a decade and the color really irks you, but you just don’t have the time to do anything about it. Or maybe that hole the delivery people put in your wall when they installed your new washer and dryer doesn’t seem like a big deal, but you notice it every time you walk by.

Over time, even the smallest annoyances about our personal spaces can build up, raising the levels of stress hormones in our bodies. In short, having a bunch of unfinished tasks piling up, even though they seem like they aren’t a huge deal, can adversely affect our emotional states and, eventually, our bodies.

In your office, maybe there are cords always lying around that you don’t think you can do anything about, or maybe there’s too much clutter on your desk. Tackling those small projects – coiling up cords and storing any cords that aren’t needed at the moment – can decrease the clutter and increase your peace of mind.

Once you take care of all of those small projects you will feel a huge sense of accomplishment, and this can help propel you toward tackling those larger projects. Painting your kitchen that perfect shade of porcelain gray may not seem like a big job, but with cabinets and countertops to protect it may make sense to hire a professional to help you. Take stock of which projects need to be tackled and then realistically decide which ones you can tackle yourself and which ones you may need to seek professional help to tackle.

Learn more about the psychology of space from this infographic. Are you ready to let your mental stress load go?

Psychology Space

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Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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