

What If Apple Is Buying Beats For Its Demographics?

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I have been scratching my head since I heard the rumors of Apple buying Beats and continuing to scratch it since it actually happened. The reasons flowing through the interwebs simply do not equate in my mind. On one hand, you have the camp that is firmly placing the purchase on Beats streaming music service, which hasn’t been all that successful.

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Steve Ballmer

Steve Ballmer Wins Bid For Los Angeles Clippers At $2 Billion

Steve Ballmer

The bidding war for the LA Clippers is over with Steve Ballmer coming out on top with the winning bid of $2 billion. I’d actually call this a better investment that the $3 billion that Tim Cook spent on Dr Dre and Beats, but I digress. Ballmer beat out other bidders that included Los Angeles-based investors Tony Ressler and Bruce Karsh and a group that included David Geffen and executives from the Guggenheim Group. 

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Springpad Shutting Down Users Have Until June 25th To Export Data


Springpad, an iOS and Android app much like Evernote has shut down and is giving users until June 25th to export their data or migrate it over to Evernote. The company says it cannot continue to be a self-sustaining business because funding is just not there. It’s sad to see competition die off like this but it’s the reality of the business world. Not every company will remain standing, there will be a select few left hopefully enough to leave the consumer some good choice. Read Springpad’s full announcement below. 

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Patent Trolls The Hobbit Wikimedia Commons readwrite

EFF/DC Circuit Court Strike A Blow To Copyright Troll Business Model

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Good news everybody!  The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Tuesday scored a huge victory against a shady Copyright Troll, and the DC Circuit Court of Appeals set precedent for rules that should hopefully limit the abilities of these trolls to operate in the future.  Boing Boing offers a description of these practices:

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VOXX International Invests $3 Million In Eyelock Inc.


One of the cooler gadgets I had the chance to see at CES 2014 was the myris, a retina scanning device that can be used to unlock your computer and anything with a password. Now VOXX International has just announced a $3 million dollar investment into Eyelock hoping they’ll get the product out to consumers sooner than later. We didn’t get a chance to film the myris but check out the hands on video from TechRadar below and catch the entire press release after the video.

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Apple Celebrates 13 Years Of Apple Stores


Back in May of 2001 Cliff Edwards of Bloomberg Business Week had an article titled, “Sorry, Steve: Here’s Why Apple Stores Won’t Work”. Now thirteen years later Apple seems to be doing just fine in the retail space, expanding much further than even I realized. Check out this animated map put together by which shows the expansion of Apple stores worldwide since 2001.

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AT&T Picks Up DirectTV For $48.5 Billion Dollars Pending Approvals


Well, we’re starting to see just how much of our money some of these big companies have. AT&T has just plunked down $48.5 billion on DirectTV, Google picked up for $1 billion and Apple is rumored to be waiting in the wings to pick up Beats for $3.2 billion. The DirectTV buy has been approved by the boards of both companies but will have to pass regulatory approval as well as shareholder approval. 

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Mozilla Firefox Reluctantly Embraces Encrypted Media Extensions

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ghacks is reporting that Mozilla will be implementing EME’s (Encrypted Media Extensions) into their Firefox web browser after resisting the idea for quiet some time now. With the web changing rapidly and new technologies, such as HTML 5, being adopted, companies like Microsoft, Google and Netflix needed to find a way to allow users to play DRM (Digital Rights Management) protected content. Encrypted Media Extensions were the solution they turned to. Mozilla has a history of open source and trying to keep things user controlled, so you can imagine their resistance. Here’s a little excerpt from the ghacks article, which explains this much better than I could. It’s really a great read so be sure to hit the link to read it in its entirety. 

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Casio Announces Android Powered POS Terminals

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Casio announced they’re rolling out new Point Of Sale terminals that are powered by Android. Which means the next time you go to the grocery store the cashier could be using an Android powered cash register and playing Angry Birds while they check you out. All joking aside, this is a pretty cool next step for an OS that continues to show it’s versatility. From Android phones and tablets to Chromebooks and business applications it seems Google and its Android system are truly making a run. I opine often about competition and the need for tech companies to continue to make in roads like this. I feel strongly about that because it should be keeping them on their toes, which is good for us the consumer. Check out Casio’s full press release about their new Android POS Terminals below. And let us know what you think about Android starting to make its way into other consumer and business products. You can hit us up in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter and Facebook. Our social links are to the left of your screen.

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Xbox Live Gold No Longer Required For Netflix, Hulu?


Ars Technica is reporting that multiple sources at Microsoft have been told of a plan to make a few adjustments to the Xbox Live Gold streaming video offerings.  Most notably, popular video streaming services Netflix and Hulu may no longer require Xbox Live Gold access.  Up until now, Xbox users would need to pay for an Xbox Live Gold account – in addition to paying for Netflix or Hulu subscriptions – just to stream these services from the Xbox.

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Research Shows Movie Pirates Pay For Content While Music Pirates Less Likely

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A new study found in the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics aimed to find the differences between people who pirate music online and those who pirate movies online. According to the study, those who pirate movies exclusively are very different than those who pirate music exclusively. The researchers claim that those who pirate movies are “less likely to stop paying for movies in addition to stealing them.” Which means they are coming to the opposite conclusion for those who pirate music only.

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Net Neutrality – Tech Giants Deliver Open Letter to FCC

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As recently as yesterday morning, several members of the Techaeris crew were lamenting the hands-off nature that some of the big names in tech were taking with this most recent Net Neutrality brouhaha.  Leave it to those same big names to deliver an open letter to the FCC yesterday afternoon!  The full text of this letter is listed below:


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Nintendo Quarterly Losses Greater Than Anticipated



I’m not going to lie, seeing Nintendo floundering as they have recently makes me sad.  This is a company that was a part of so many of our childhoods that just can’t seem to figure out how to pull themselves together.  Bloomberg is reporting that Nintendo has posted an even greater 4th quarter loss than analysts forecast, even after slashing expectations significantly.

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Aljazeera Claims New Emails Point To A “Cozy” Relationship Between Silicon Valley And The NSA

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The Huffington Post is reporting that Aljazeera America has obtained emails that show some Silicon Valley Executives had a much cozier relationship with the NSA than they led us to believe. The Aljazeera report focuses on Google’s Sergey Brin and Larry Page in emails they obtained through the “Freedom of Information” Act.

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Microsoft Dipping Their Toe Into Chromebooks Pricing Strategies?

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It’s no secret that Chromebooks are fast becoming popular. They’re lightweight in hardware and software but most importantly, they’re affordable. And without a doubt Chromebooks have put a significant shiner on the face of Microsoft powered hardware. So Microsoft is finding itself in a place where it needs a new strategy and it looks like they may be testing that today.

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Anonymous User On Pastebin Accuses Google Of Abusing AdSense Publishers

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Let’s start this off by saying this is a HUGE unconfirmed accusation that could very likely be an internet troll times ten. That being said, it was hard to ignore this posting on Pastebin accusing Google of basically stealing and abusing their relationship with AdSense publishers. For those who are not familiar with AdSense, it is Google’s advertising platform which many websites, including this one, use on a daily basis. Google places ads in websites on the behalf of advertisers, and both the publisher and Google receive a certain amount from those ads.

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Apple Awarded $119 Million In Latest Battle With Samsung, With Rant


Yeah, we know you know. It’s hit the web like a digital tsunami, Apple has won the latest court battle against Samsung slithering out with $119 million dollars. On the flip side, a much less lofty flip side, Samsung sprung out with $158,000 from a couple of patents the jury found Apple in violation of. Re/Code did get a statement from Apple right after the verdict and here’s what they had to say. 

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Leonardo DiCaprio Eyed For Leading Roll In Sony’s Steve Jobs Film

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The Hollywood Reporter says that Sony Pictures is in talks with Leonardo DiCaprio to play the roll of Steve Jobs in the film adaptation of Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs biography. Last year’s movie “Jobs”, staring Ashton Kutcher, didn’t do too well at the box office and hit sour notes with critics. Sony is basing their film off of the actual biography of Steve Jobs which is probably a good idea given that a lot of what is written in that book comes from Jobs himself. Sony is also hitting up Danny Boyle to direct the film as the deal with David Fincher fell through due to some disagreements between Sony and the director. 

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Smartphone Startup OnePlus Introduces Invite System For Debut

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The smartphone start-up OnePlus just announced a new method to get their yet to be released or shown smartphone into the hands of consumers. OnePlus is opting for an invite system that they hope will get their product into the hands of hungry fans without making them struggle against each other in an online ordering battle. OnePlus took to social media to announce the invite system which ignited a mix of reactions among fans and users. Read the entire press release after the break.

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Could The iPhone 6 Be Getting A $100 Price Bump?

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Business Insider is reporting that Apple is currently negotiating with the major carriers for a $100 price increase on the iPhone 6. All the leaked information and images have pointed to Apple increasing the size of the iPhone to 4.7″ and possibly a second 5.5″ version. We’re not really sure why Apple is pushing for such a price increase other than manufacturing costs and the use of sapphire displays.

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