
Google Domains Website Screen Capture

Google Testing Google Domains

Google Domains Website Screen Capture
Google Domains Website Screen Capture

Many small businesses still don’t have a custom domain name and instead rely on website building providers for their web presence solutions. Google is aiming to change that with Google Domains.

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AT&T Picks Up DirectTV For $48.5 Billion Dollars Pending Approvals


Well, we’re starting to see just how much of our money some of these big companies have. AT&T has just plunked down $48.5 billion on DirectTV, Google picked up for $1 billion and Apple is rumored to be waiting in the wings to pick up Beats for $3.2 billion. The DirectTV buy has been approved by the boards of both companies but will have to pass regulatory approval as well as shareholder approval. 

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Nintendo Quarterly Losses Greater Than Anticipated



I’m not going to lie, seeing Nintendo floundering as they have recently makes me sad.  This is a company that was a part of so many of our childhoods that just can’t seem to figure out how to pull themselves together.  Bloomberg is reporting that Nintendo has posted an even greater 4th quarter loss than analysts forecast, even after slashing expectations significantly.

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